Random Thoughts on Pace of Life — Oct. 26, 2021

Basil Jackson
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Is it just me or does life seem like it’s going hypersonic these days?

Something Cool I Saw Today…


Hi there,

Is it just me or does life seem like it’s going hypersonic these days?

Whether it’s the shift to remote and hybrid work due to the pandemic, the always-on news cycle, or our increasing dependence on the digital world for entertainment, life feels like it’s gone from 0–260 mph in under a minute. And some of us are getting major whiplash.

Is this what they were referring to when talking about the ‘New Normal’? Having a gazillion obligations and things to do all of the time?

Well, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Here’s where I’d usually say something like, “you should say no to everything and take back control of your schedule” or something like that, but I realize that’s not the key either. We only have so much time on this earth (about 4,000 to 5,000 weeks depending on where you live on earth), so we should make the most out of them.

What this means instead is that you should be intentional with your time, but also live to minimize regrets.

If saving money is your goal at this point in time — should you be taking trips every weekend with your friends? Maybe not — but instead you go on just that really cool trip to Canada and soak up the memories. If you’re trying to spend more time with family, maybe you turn down that added responsible at work or hesitate before joining that professional group rather than taking away from the bonding time that you crave.

The point is, when we look at our lives at any given moment, the results we see are almost always defined by the sum of our actions that led up to that point. And with a fast pace of life, we unknowingly let more distractions in than we can handle. We need to evaluate, prioritize, and then act on what’s important.

So I ask: Where do you want your life to go? What are you going to do with your weeks?

Credit: Slowgrowth


SHORT Regrets of the Dying [Bonnie Ware]
In this short piece, Bonnie, a former palliative care nurse shares some common themes that her patients said were regrets of theirs. Among them, not working so hard and expressing their true feelings. While not explicitly about the pace of life, I think contrasting the regrets of those facing death allows us to consider what we might prioritize while living.

LONG The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More [Zen Habits]
Writer Leo Babauta shares some solid tips for those looking to slow down and really enjoy life. He presents a case for why slowing down can lead to better life lived and posits that “slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one.” Some of his pointers include being present, focusing on people, and appreciating nature. All of these rules are highly actionable and I think will help improve other habits that people may have.

A Picture…

Photo from Sunbeam Photography

Hope you enjoyed everything here. If you’d like to get this sent to your inbox, you can subscribe here.

As always, I’m always looking for better ways to do things, so let me know your thoughts. In the meantime…

Live, Laugh, and Learn.

P.S. Want more tips/advice on how to live your best life? You can listen to my podcast, “So I Was Thinking,” or join my fortnightly “Random Thoughts” newsletter (max 10 mins out of your day). Don’t forget to share this article if you found it helpful.



Basil Jackson

I get paid to write and speak words. MKTG and life advice. Want more? Go here: www.basjackson.com